Filling Bowls, Feeding Lives
Together We Make a Difference
More families than ever are turning to CROSS Services for help. Rising costs and job losses are making it harder for families to put food on the table—but together, we can ensure no one in our community goes hungry.
That’s why CROSS Services is participating in the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign (March 1 – April 6), a statewide effort to keep 300 food shelves stocked. It takes all of us—individuals like you, along with businesses, schools, and faith communities—giving what they can, whether through financial support, food donations, or volunteer time.
Every $3 donated provides a meal for a neighbor in need. And this month, your impact goes even further! Thanks to our faith community partners, Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Community and Word of Peace Lutheran Church, every donation is MATCHED—DOUBLING YOUR GENEROSITY!
Together, we can fill bowls and feed lives in our community. Thank you for your support!